Bringing up Baobao etc.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

I'm Friend of a Pre-teen

Image hosted by Photobucket.comRachel had a sleepover during the middle of the week on Thursday. Her Mom and Dad had to meet some old friends from out of the country. She came back with Uncle Lui after a concert that they went together. According to him, she cried three times on her way back. She wanted to talk to me before bed, I said Ok. I am always honored when kids place their trust in me. As it turned out she was upset because her Mom kept talking to her friends during the concert's intermission but not her when she wanted to... I listened. I said her feelings of being ignored might be justified. I suggested though that she try to "set up appointments" with her Mom when she needs to talk to her. Parents can be so wrapped with their work and life. Babies needs parents' attention whenever they want to. Maybe, as a 10-year-old, Rachel could try to get the attention she wants as a little adult. When you have your mom's undivided attention for 10 minutes, you could complain, request or just speak out... She agreed that she would try.

I told Rachel today that I don't really want to be an auntie. It's too tiring to be an auntie. I don't feel that I am qualified enough to be a role model or anything. So if she can just let me be her friend, that would be great... Rachel is considered to at a pre-teen stage. Things are getting more interesting in her life. I somehow I noticed that since she turned 10 last month. Rachel's Mom joked to me when we were out having dinner together this evening, "Ï am ready to turn her to you..."


  • Well.. Min,
    Rachel's mom is a very lucky lady..and Rachel is a very lucky kid.. for they both have you to turn to.. in times like these.. :) I hope ..Chloe will have an auntie Min.. when she is 10yrs old.. and needs someone to talk with.. and consult.. ;)

    By Blogger Ms One Boobie , at 8:29 AM  

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