Words of Love
I didn't give Sienna a card for her 6th birthday. I might be wrong, but I couldn't find the words that I assume would have definite impact on her. I believe in showing her, consistently, the cause and effect in life. I understand what she now understands that she had the birthday party and she got the pink camera and a mountain of presents with two reasons because two reasons. One is because she is loved by us and by her friends, unconditionally, no matter what. The other reason is that she practices piano and makes effort to do her work.
Her big sister Rachel, however, out her the most genuie and generous heart, gave her this emotionally touching birthday card which she prepared for this date about a year ago. I am copying the content of the card, word for word so that Sienna could read it when she has the mental capacity to understand. Right now, Sienna is like, "Mommy, I love you, love you, love you. I don't want to ever leave you." I would say, "why would we leave each other ever?" Then she goes, "But mommy, I don't want you to die."
How lucky Sienna is to have a sister like her! And what a wonderful 12-year-old Sis Rachel is!
Dear Sienna:
As soon as my eyes came upon this card, I knew I had to buy it. It totally reminded me of what Abby said how you have the 2 b's: Brains and Beauty. Not only that! But you have the talent too! So I immediately got this card for you! I hope your 6th year in this world would bring you many memories just like your first 5 did! Being 6 is a big dea, and I hope you make that most of it! You are starting Grade 1 in September and I couldn't be more proud! I hope you succeed and achieve in all you do! NOt only that, but get your wish of getting out that first tooth! When you are my age, I'll be a fully grown adult and I will totally miss you till then! It's not like you are going away, but htere wil be moments where we will be separated, and I just want to say "I love you!" till then! NO matter what, I will ALWAYS be there for you, even when mommy and daddy "hurt your feelings" you'll know who to go to! You are really growing up now, and I can't let someone as amazing as you go! But here will be a time where we must. As much as I will miss you! I love you, Sienna. Happy birthday and the best of wishes!
Love, your big Sis Rachel
P.S. And she made both her parents sign for the card as well. Overwhelmingly sweet and touching.
Very thoughtful of Rachel.. ;) Sienna is indeed blessed..!
By Anonymous, at 12:52 AM
Hi, Mama bok, thank you. Rachel is a wonderful kid. I should have a blog devoted to her!
By minimum, at 11:55 AM
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