Bringing up Baobao etc.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Raise Your Voice for a Reason

Image hosted by Photobucket.comSometimes you need to raise your voice when you raise your child.

I raise my voice not because I am mad. It is possible not to lose cool if you are cool with her constantly and consistently. This is not the best way to put it, but if you exercise more discipline during the peace time, you don't got to war with her because she drags you into it. You are at ease to pick your battles. You don't get emotionally effected when she is emotional or not behaving properly. To me, it's not bad to get mad, your child needs to encounter some negative emotional confrontations in order to get immune. It's simply useless to get mad.

I raise my voice because I need to stress the seriousness and urgency. I make sure that I carry in my voice the SPECIFIC instructions that she CAN follow at that moment: 1) what she must do and 2) the consequence of such doing or not doing. More specific, the better.

"FINISH your dinner, otherwise you don't HAVE your snack." If she chooses not to finish her dinner, I don't give her snack. I let her choose. She chose already. End of the story. You say, well, she still doesn't get to finish her dinner, but she gets her consequence. Fair enough.

So I raise my voice to get her into the action or to get her to make up her mind. I don't raise my voice to show her that I am mad. At this age, they know well enough how to make you mad and they don't have all the willingness to make you otherwise.


  • Hey.. Min,
    Thanks for yer insight on my situation... but at 15mths.. you think chloe can understand.. and follow ..??

    By Blogger Ms One Boobie , at 11:55 AM  

  • no i don't think chloe will follow your instruction to finish her breakfast. the instruction would be unrealistic for her.

    at this age, you don't expect them to understand words. but they certainly understand the cause and effect already. she cries and she expects you to come in when she cries. so she cries to get you in. so you go in every time she cries.

    you need a counter cause-and-effect process that she understand.

    she doesn't fully understand when you get mad. or maybe she wanted you to get mad. but she will understand, if you DARE to try, that if she doesn't eat her breakfast she will be hungry until the next meal time. the problem is once you fail in feeding her enough breakfast, you will give her whatever before the next meal. otherwise you will be heartbroken when she cries for food. (i find the heart broken mom happens to be the one who gets mad more often.)

    then, she never has a chance to be hungry. she will not be guided by her basick instinct. she will never wants to eat a proper meal. she will pick what she wants to eat. she will pick when and where she wants to sleep, you will have to run after her around the clock...

    sorry for the rambling. i just feel very strongly about these issues.

    By Blogger minimum, at 2:37 AM  

  • Hey..Min,
    Yer right..! I'm pretty pansy where chloe is concern.. :(

    By Blogger Ms One Boobie , at 1:48 PM  

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