Bringing up Baobao etc.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

A Biggest Holiday of the Year

I grew up in a family that didn't make not much fuss over birthdays or others. My parents did always celebrate their wedding anniversaries. They would go out for a movie together or dine out. In the past few years, they would invite around 100 guests for a whole day celebration. That's the kind of tradition I am exposed to.

So today is the real day with a special number of anniversary. Initally we wanted a big party. But we have such a wide range of people as our friends. We don't know how they will be comfortable sitting together playing with folks and chopsticks for a few hours. Sienna's birthday though was a different thing because people could come and go at their ease. We decided we were going to have a few small parties through out the holiday to mark the occasion. For today, we are letting it pass again like any other day.

I came out of work earlier. The husband and I met up at Sienna's school. She had gotten herself in the mood of setting up the Christmas tree and refused to go anywhere but home. We explained to her that this was our wedding anniversary. We decided to have her so that we got married. Today is the biggest holiday in the year, bigger than Christmas and New Year and Halloween combined. We made compromise by letting her choose the restaurant she wanted to go to and we finally went there all together.

Over the course of our dinner, I said to Sienna, "Mommy and Daddy have decided to spoil you." "What does that mean?" she was curious. Daddy explained "... when you want one thing, we give you two. Or basically we give you whatever you want." I added, "then you would become a spoiled and rotten apple." "I like that," said she understandingly. "So, when we do ever say 'no', it really means 'no', ok?" Another nod from her.


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