Bringing up Baobao etc.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Meetings of Classmates

Not like playing by ear as I always do, I got definite PLANS for the coming weekend.

One of my undergraduate classmates in China just got landed in Canada and now she is staying in SC with her kids. She is coming to have dinner with us Saturday night and another of my undergraduate classmate's family, who live in the same city as me...

Meanwhile, one of my graduate classmates is coming for a concert going over the weekend from Southern Ontario. I will have to make arrangement for a gathering with my three Canadian graduate classmates' on Sunday. Maybe we will have a brunch together to catch things up. Sienna would totally be with one of her classmates. She is now 6 and going on seventeen, remember?

Isn't life good when you had some education and collected some classmates and kept in touch with them?


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