Bringing up Baobao etc.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

A Surprise Halloween Party

We didn't even know there would be a Halloween in China. At last minute, I got a note from school about a "Treat or Trick" (the mistake was not mine) party for its international division kids. No time to think more. Sienna had to be parted with her Princess Complex. She agreed to put on a black cape that we found in a small section at the supermarket.

The parents were invited to go and encouraged to dress up too. I went with my black outfit as any other days, carrying a black mask, something like Phantom of the Opera trying to cover his whole face, not only the half.

They went across the playground to the other building to trick or treat with the higher grade kids. Sienna’s face was twisted because of the sudden cold or because of the influence of the Captain Hook’s shadow. It was more or less a Halloween.


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