Bringing up Baobao etc.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

billed by bell, wrongfully

we bought an insurance service called "wire protection" with bell canada. four months went by, i noticed by chance that a similar item "phone protection" was on the bill too. i called up the the service rep to ask the differences between these two. turned out the latter is something they sneaked in without my request or permission.

"how could this happen?" i asked.

"well, it's your responsibility to check your bill,"

i was going to say, "hey, how could you say that?" but i kept cool.
with not much money at stake, it was not worth the fight. besides, i am responsible for placing my trust in these cooperate systems and not learning from the past. about 3 years ago, i kept being billed via automatic withdrawl for an insurance that i cancelled officially 11 months ago!

at this point of time, i don't know what else i'm getting charged for no reason.


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