Bringing up Baobao etc.

Monday, November 08, 2004

we have a winner here

the discussion on the "mother borad" (BBS board where mothers with kids born march 2001 chat) is about how some kids want to be the winners all times. i don't have much to contribute on this.

sienna doesn't seem to have that aspect in her. we don't see the idealistic side of her being developed. she does seem to be born an realist (the old soul related, again). she has an acute sense about what she can do and what she cannot do. rachel can whistle, she cannot. kenny G can play saxphone, she cannot. she can beat the egg, little brother ben cannot. etc. her favorite saying right now is, "when i grow up..." this is the way she deals with the thing that she cannot do.

she is not the winner type, but i really like the realistic part of her that is required to be a real winner, no matter you actually win or not.


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