Bringing up Baobao etc.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Good Faith in People

We had a nasty weekend weath wise. A big snow storm came to flirt the city. It didn't cover the ground but left it slushy everywhere.

In the midst of the snow and rain actions on Saturday morning, I was chatting with a friend on my cell phone on the parking lot of Tim Horton's coffee shop. As I tried to start the car to pick up Sienna, it refused to get up and go. My 2-year-old Sony TV just failed me a few days ago, now it's my famed SAAB of less than Sienna's age just after a full service last week. Another blow on my faith in brand names.

The battery died on me. I called up the ballet teacher to ask one of the mothers to keep Sienna company for a while. One of them happened to be there already and advised that I should call a taxi and pay them to start the car. For about 10 minutes, I didn't see a ghost of a taxi. So I turned to what appeared to be a plumber's van that had letters written on it. Two guys were getting out of there for coffee. They agreed to help. "Open the hood, please," they asked. And even that I couldn't do...

The car got started after a boost. Handing over 10 bucks, I said, "thank you, thank you... Please get yourself some coffee." They refused to take it. "Return the favour to someone else!" said one of the guys. That I am pretty sure I will be able to do very soon.

Still nice people out there. I will never lose my faith on that one.

So I found this battery interacting diagram applies to people in real life as well.
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    By Blogger Christoph, at 10:01 AM  

  • Hey.. Min,
    Sorry to hear about yer weekend.. :(
    Isn't it strange.. that only us chinese.. or asian.. like to thank ppl with money..?? while the ang mohs.. they just say thanks.. ?? yer think it is the culture we were brought up in..?? coz' i'm the same way too.. but my spouse and his family.. they would never take money .. for anything they do for us.. ;)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:02 AM  

  • Hey.. Min,
    It was me.. on the deleted comment.. sorry.. :(
    Used the wrong blog name.. coz' i was posting a blog for my pigu kicker.. hehehe!!

    By Blogger Ms One Boobie , at 10:04 AM  

  • This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:10 PM  

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