The Running Party
In China, the major part of a child’s life is to study, study and study. The parents of the school’s international division insist that fun is a great part of the growing up too. They run an association to assure that the school works in agreement with them in that regard. I recently joined this organization because you could only join their Christmas party when you are a member.
The party took place in one of the surprising beautiful venues in the city called “Wish.” There were all kinds of games to play and loads of food to eat. Kids from Sienna’s class though seemed to find the easiest and surest way to entertain themselves: they were running all over the place among the crowd of 400 people. The boys were chasing girls. When the girls found out the boys weren't chasing them enough, they went back to chase the boys so that the boys could go on chasing… Screaming and sweating, they must have made the place the backgrounds they left behind in another land. As the designated photographer of the class, I ran after them with my shaky hands. Not used to posting photos of other kids, here is a shot of Sienna on her run at the party.
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