Bringing up Baobao etc.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Dinner Called Off

We were getting ready to have Paula and her daughter over for dinner. Then I got a call from her late last night. She was in the hopital for a broken arm! She fell off from the stairs to the basement. Poor thing! The doctor put her on a sling. The bone is broken but not dislocated. "At least I didn't break my hip. I can still walk. I just can't drive," said she, in pain but still in her usual positive manner. Life is so unpredictable and fragile. What could be a worse reason to call off a get-together? If you think about it, it really could have been worse. Huh!

Sienna asked for Theadora and said, "You could send her home, Mommy." Exactly my thought, Sienna.


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