Bringing up Baobao etc.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Let It Be

Only very recently, I realized that Christmas song in fact was "let it snow, let it snow" not as I understood for a long time, "let it go, let it go."

Here is a hardly relevant story... Out of love of astrology and out of friendship, I have been involved with developing and maintaining a web site. We were discussing about the redesign of the home page to give more content space. I suggested that a home page should always try to maximize the use of the non-scrollable space. "Scroll or no to scroll" came up a number of times in our email exchanges. So my friend in Paris sent email to me today and said, "What I don't understand is why no scrolling? Scrolling is ok."

I wrote back and said "let it scroll, let it scroll. It’s ok. It’s all good." I think as I age, I am learning to back off even when I am most confident about what I say and do. It’s important to give other people their space, to be right or to be wrong. Let alone there is not an ultimate state of being right or wrong.

"Let it go" is not too much of a misunderstanding of "Let it snow."’ "Let it scroll" is similar too.


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