Bringing up Baobao etc.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Dinner on the New Table

The house project I have been hinting on my blog entry is in fact the dinning room table that the husband built and I painted. We already entertained a writer/his wife and a photographer/his wife before we even put the paint on. But there are still other friends who we don't want to tell until actually see it. It would be a lot of convincing to do about my husband's carpentry ability. When they see it, they would just be wowed like last night when Abby and others were over.

Today, my friend S came to get the round glass table that we replaced with the new creation. We asked them to stay for dinner. Within an hour, we worked as a team to come up with a meal for the two families of 7. We had spicy fish, broccoli & shrimps, egg and dried bean curd platter. They happened to bring us some chicken biryani and a bottle of red wine. The muslin dish is completely out of this world. I loved it so much.

For the second time, we had a feast on our new table with finished paint. Their daughter M said the table looks like the one in the castles on the movies. We really did a good job faking it.


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