Bringing up Baobao etc.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Major Memory Flash-backs

The fact is Sienna was very late to start talking. We, being her parent, might have contributed to it. I understand little kids need to be talked to even when they don't talk back or understand you. But three of us would just sit in the car or move around the house without saying too much to each other. I kind of just felt with her and we always seem to understand each other without many words. I remember when Sienna was about 2 and half. I asked her, not expect and answer from her, "Sienna, do you speak at all?" With her usual understanding expression on her face, she uttered a few words, "a little, Mommy." I was surprised for quite a while.

Sienna has been giving us quite a few surprises later. She started to talk about what happened long long time ago -- before she started talking. She pointed to a trunk in our bedroom and told us where it came from exactly. She also remembered a fishing trip we took with Amy's family. I happen to have an reaccount of the trip in wrting and back-tracked as the first blog entry. She even remembered how she played a musical toy. "I put it in my right ear first and then my left ear..." At that time, she was a little shy of 2 and half years old...

I started to have some memory flash backs myself. I might be straighforward with my commands and sometimes I am loud. But I have never done anything that would in my conscious mind would have caused any psychological scars on her. Thank god!


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