We had Mr B in the house tonight along with his wife and their photographer/artist couple friend. Mr B is the second generation of a renowned literature family in the country. His father was once nominated for Nobel Prize for Literature. There is a bridge in the city that is named after him…
Like a photographer or an artist who uses imaginaries to create a new world, Mr B does the job using his words. Words are always beautifully and precisely put together by him to describe any situation, even when he chats, casually. Over the dinner table, we started talking about computer. Mr B thinks computer has its own set of rules like the rules in Mars which are so alien to him. That’s right, I agreed. But you can find the equivalence of each Mars’ rules on earth, I reminded him assured him. And I explained how. Mr B said nobody has explained computer in such a simple and basic way to him like I did – not exactly his words. "I am learning 26 things tonight,"– exactly his words. I remember years back when I went back to school, Mr B predicted that they would not be able to understand what I would be talking about coming out of there. He was not exactly right on that one.
He said that we human being created God and we turned around and worshiped him as if he was not our creation. I understood what he meant: so much can be said about computer too. He asked me how it works out with me being such an emotionally intense person and having to follow the logic of computer. It helps tremendously for me to become an emotionally more balanced person. "Computer is your monastery then," – exactly words of Mr B.
That friend of theirs Mr N turns out to be such a big-shot photographer, who shot pictures of our Prime Minister and the newly-appointed Governor in General. He listened to my rambling attentively the whole time. I had to apologize to him for talking too much, "I guess you only talk by taking pictures, huh?" He nodded with a smile. His wife is an artist. So is C, Mr B’s companion, an extremely talented kollwitz-like artist. And of course my very own husband… Being surrounded by all these artsy people, I probably don’t need to create art. And I don’t have the talent to anyways. I can share their creative worlds in close vicinity like they share the food I prepared for them – shrimp cocktail, sea bass, garlic asparagus and calamari & chive fried rice over bottles of wine, of course.
Whatever we create with the best intention is meant to be shared for the betterment and enjoyment of us all. Whatever we create should not have the power to overpower us, God included.