Bringing up Baobao etc.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Sienna Doing Her Stuff

I remember about 6 years ago, my friend L and her family came to stay us for a week. She brought her 2 and half year old daughter into the shower with her. Later the girl became a champion swimmer. In preparation for Sienna's possible swimming career, I started showering her using a hand-held shower head right from her infancy. I consulted her Doctor Ok and of course he said ok.

Now, I have to agree to the common belief that you were either born with or without. Sienna was born without having much to do with water. Getting her familiar with water early on didn't make her any friendlier with the water. She still cannot standing the idea of water being splashed onto her face. I continued to use the hand-held. Until last night, I put the shower head back onto it's rack for the first time, she actually accepted it, but not with a condition. She said, "Mommy, you have to buy me a google." "Goggle, goggle is the same thing you use to look through in the water. Google is the thing you use to look for something on the internet..." I was not sure if she understood.

While we were joking about google, goggle, she was becoming relaxed with the water falling down on her body. She said she was going to tell everybody the next day that she took a shower for the first time. "Like the rain falling down..." she said. Right at that moment, she burst out singing "Let the rain fall down..." I didn't know when she picked up this Hilary Duff's stuff. The teenage song was twisted into something much more appropriate for her age. To me, "I scream" sounded much like "ice cream". Instead of "I am coming clean," I clearly heard "coming to play".

Right there, I ran to get the phone and we did our first audio posting below.

this is an audio post - click to play


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