Bringing up Baobao etc.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Hot Pot Dinner

Our host family tonight work in the frozen food business. The hot pot dinner at their house though was nothing but all fresh food. We brought with us our old favorite, jumble size scallops and my new fancy Australian Yellow Label Red.

As we were told, we should have been invited long time ago. The family had a special guest for quite a few months. The guest was a puppy named "Cherry." Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind places puppies at approximately 7 weeks of age with foster families. Our friends became one of those "puppy walkers" who raise the dog to a certain age before it went on for special training. It's unclear if they didn’t want us to be disturbed by the dog or the dog to be disturbed by us. We never got to meet their house guest for all these months.

They somehow detected Daddy's talent in design even he is not a designer by trade. This is one in a series of food packaging Daddy designed for their new products. The whole idea is to have a photo on the bag while the gray part is in fact transparent to show the real thing inside. I think it's pretty neat. We'll see these soon on the huge "T & T" super markets that we frequent.


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