Bringing up Baobao etc.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Surprise Visit to the Land of Avaia

I keep playing by the ear because it almost always works out better than having a plan. Around 3:30pm, I got a call from Paula who suggested that we should go for a "Cirque du Soleil" kind of show at 5:00pm. Sure. We drove all the way to a race track up north and got in the tent just on time with the stand-by tickets.

You cannot compare their acrobatic techniques with the Chinese troupes. The humor of the crowns is not very well contrived. But the horses are so beautiful and smart. I like the set up and costumes: as if there is a story going on in a place that doesn't exit. Not in the present. They are the combined elements of past and future. It's surreal. All in all Avaia was a good show. Both Sienna and Thea loved it. I didn't even take a nap.

Afterwards, all of us went to Sienna's favorite restaurant. A long wait of an hour to get in. Rachel and her mom came to join us making it a party of three mother/daughter pairs. We didn't have the time for firworks. It was already a fun-packed day.


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