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Friday, August 03, 2007

Simply A Simpsons Era

I took Sienna and Rachel to see newly released Simpsons Movie. Kind of regretted that I didn’t watch many of its TV episodes.

We are at an era when morals should be redefined or shouldn’t be defined strictly. It’s the time to return to humanity. That's right. We still need to distinguish what’s right and what’s wrong, socially, morally and legally. Yet, we should be able to see through the limits of them. We will go back to listen to our heart. It generates laughs along the way... “Simpsons” is created under such a mind set and it serves as a tool to help us move ahead.

Out of the theater, it was 36c as it read on our car’s dash board. Kids and I were talking about why some cars still have the windows down. What does it feel like when the AC is not on and the window is down? Rachel questioned. “Let’s feel it,” I pushed to turn off the AC button. Within a matter of 2 minutes, Sienna was screaming because of the steaming heat.

In a Simpsons era, you don’t raise your children according to the rules of the Children’s Aid Society even though you are very aware of them. Typically, you are extremely aware of your motherly instincts, more than ever. You are acting with more love and less guilt. You cannot resist the idea of doing a heat tolerance test inside your own car.


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