Bringing up Baobao etc.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Two Friends with Two Kids

Here is the scope. I have two friends. Each has two kids. Both of them consider that one of their kids is smarter and more capable than the other.

Friend A decides that more resource should go to the smarter one because of the higher probability making success out of her.
Friend B decides that more resource should go to the less smart one because he needs it the most.

I posted this dilemma on a message board that is gathered by Chinese parents living in North America. As an excersice of fault picking, one of the posters was quick to say that Friend A is a selfish parent. The other ones go out of their way to say there should be Friend C, who should treat the kid equally. I never thought in that light though. I came out of a family where my parents tend to be Friend B and I happened to be the so-called “smarter one”. I was only trying to feel out the emotional tendency on my part. I am pretty sure I could easily be a Friend B as well. I know Friend C should be the ideal. I don’t think I can handle it that well and am glad that I don’t have to. Sienna is forever our one and only.


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