Happy Ride
I picked up Sienna at her school after her tap dancing class. It was already 5:30. The first taxi won’t stop for us. The driver on the second taxi was hesitant, then he took us on. As usual, the polluted air was thick and the traffic was jammed especially at the time of the day. The taxi driver started humming. “Hey, you are in a happy mood?” “Of course, I am going home after this. I was ready to go already. But I saw you had a child with you…” How nice of him. He said he had a daughter who works at a highway toll both. His son is graduating from a policy academy next week. “I can hardly hide my joy, you know?” I have never see such a happy taxi driver in this city. It seems we share a lot in common about how happiness is a choice. Once you make that choice, you always find reasons to be happy.
Agree totally.. Min..!
Anonymous, at 3:48 AM
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