Bringing up Baobao etc.

Monday, March 22, 2004

the first little biography

as part of the birthday celebration at school , i wrote down this following the format provided by the school:

First Year of life (Birth to age 1): Sienna was born in a southern city in China. She took an airplane going across the Pacific Ocean to come to Canada when she was 3 months old. two things happened on the same day when Sienna turned 6 months: 1) She had her first tooth; 2)she started to sit up on her own

Sienna started to crawl very late, around 10 month. But she kept herself very busy just sitting around. Her favorite activities include: beating the drum & playing on a Casio keyboard.

Second Year of life (Between age 1 to age 2): Sienna didn't learn how to walk and never really bump her head or nose from learning. She must have done a lot of thinking about it. Then one day on a beautiful summer day when she turned 15 months, she decided to take a walk and then she never stopped. While she was only crawling though, Sienna started to love the sorting game, the blocks and she was very good at puzzle solving. Music has a special effect on her mood.

Sienna is not an earlier talker either. She got two languages to work on, right? She is still working on them. But she seemed to make her points quite clear using the limited words she knew. One day when she was about 14 months, Sienna grabbed her Daddy's arm and uttered these words in chinese, "baba (Daddy), street, flower, doggy, car..." So Daddy understood her very well: Sienna wanted him to take her to the street to see the flowers blossoming, doggy barking and car zooming by...

Sienna started going to a daycare when she was about 22 months old. She loved the kids there. The teachers said Sienna always sneaked into the bigger kids' room. There she got "babied" and she started to do coloring and cutting with bigger kids.

Third Year of life (Between age 2 to age 3): Right after Sienna turned 3, we moved to a much bigger house in the area. she had to change to another daycare nearby. She didn't have the best time there, partly because they didn't offer much to do. At the previous daycare she brought home so much crafts that she created. For the four month at this daycare she never bring back anything.

Sienna joined this class when she was about to turn 2.5. The rest of year, she has been spending with your. She is having a wonderful time here as you all can see.

NOTE: We want to donate a CD titled "The Best of Ravel" to the school. Sienna loves this composer's piece called "Bolero." This is her security blanket. She cannot go to sleep with it being played. If you get to play this piece at school sometimes, she will be thrilled. And maybe other kids will enjoy it too.


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