Bringing up Baobao etc.

Friday, March 12, 2004

have a begining, have an end, please

this is what i found out. if something does not grab sienna's attention for a while, she would rather choose to let it happen without being affected much. right now, she has been watching "a bug's life" for about the 20th times. other feature films on the list of her past fixation (over 30 times of viewing) innclude: "shrek", "E.T.", "(something about barney spending vacation with kids on a farm house)", "beatlejuice", "monster inc." and of course "lion king"...

with the book as well, she wants things that have a beginning and an end. her favorite dr. suess books are now "green eggs and ham" and "cat in the hat". she can hang in there for the moment to come when sam eventually starts to like green eggs or when mommy comes home and the house is in fact nice and clean. she loves to be suspended and she has the patience to wait till the tension is resolved.

this is her account of E.T. "mommy didn't see E.T. E.T. is upstairs. E.T., phone home. E.T. go home. he brought flower for his mommy..."

sienna's impression of E.T. and his mom:


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