Bringing up Baobao etc.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Something Desirable To Do

Somehow I have managed to make reading something very desirable for Sienna. She usually gets to have two books read to her before bed. But if she acts fast and moves along as she is told to, we then can go through more books than usual. This has become another tactic for me, "move on, Sienna, or you can only have one book." And usually this will take her to the next routine faster. What a mean Mommy!

Recently, reading has become more interesting. I started to read English more and Sienna READS some of the words. In the past month and half, Sienna went through the whole first set of the Phonics storybooks. There are four more sets of books to read. Each consists about 10 books. According to the present progress she has been making, will she finish the whole thing in 6 months?! Well, Let's make it a year. Or let's make it for another 2 years. Very conservative prediction, she would be at the Grade 2 level of reading if not higher when she is ready to go to Grade 1.

All right, bragging again! But hey, look at me. Hands off. I am not pushing her in anyway. My reading is still story telling and in Mandarin mostly even the books are written in English. I am only trying to make reading something very desirable for her to do and now she has the habit of doing it.


  • Dropped in through the 'next-blog'-button.
    I just want to give you credit for trying to make reading fun for your daughter. Reading is incredibly important for the development of young children. Hopefully she'll keep it up when she becomes older. Good job! :)

    By Blogger Milamber, at 12:30 AM  

  • hi, thank you for dropping by and giving the nice words. we will try to keep it up.

    By Blogger minimum, at 3:32 AM  

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