Busy Bee's Flowerpot
A couple of days ago, Sienna streamed small beads of various colors into a straw and stuffed both ends with beads of just the right size to top the beads inside from running out...
Well, that was just the beginning of a project. Over the weekend, Sienna worked diligently to further develop this creation till it's completion. She made three straws in red, blue and orange. She brunched them out by sticking them together on one end. The main problem was to secure three plastic objects on the other end of each straw as flower heads. The objects are too heavy. By the end of the day, she found some flower stickers as replacement. The three objects she got originally from the bottom of the fish tank were stuck on the green cup for decoration of the vase...
The whole thing has been entirely her own idea and work from the beginning to the end. We had to go out with visiting relatives to tour the city and dine out. She brought this with her in the car ride and everywhere. She is such a busy bee. Her hands never stopped working on something. Her mind is original and has a mechanical bend.
I so envy you .. Min, my brat is only interest in something for like 5mins at the most..!! isn't that terrible..??
By Anonymous, at 12:27 PM
yeah, i hope sienna doesn't have compulsive behaviour.... we always worry, don't we?
a lot of brilliant people don't focus well, they want to be stimulated all the time...
By minimum, at 4:06 AM
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