Bringing up Baobao etc.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Not Again, Mrs Tweety Bird

I could not believe it! Mrs T, our virtual friend, actually sent another package, the third one to Sienna. Sienna looked at the rare floral envolope and gasped, "Mrs Tweety Bird, Not again!" And it turned out to be a CD-Rom version of her favorite book "Green Eggs and Ham." I had read the book by Dr. Suess for countless times as her bed-time story. She can recite part of the book. It happened that over the weekend, we set up an old Pentium 3 PC in her play room for her. And that was the first program she played and played, over and over again. She laughed so hard every time the hat blew up like a ballon and exploded in the middle of the air.

Thanks to Mrs T, not only Sienna had some good time, Mom and Dad had some quality time alone. But, Mrs T, please don't send us anything again. It's not that we don't want to take it. It's just too much to take. We will have to do something meaningful in return.


  • Oh.. Min..!! stop..!!! it was nothing..!! i love to do it.. so much.. i think i enjoy it more than Sienna..!! ;)
    And i'm truly glad she liked it..!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:52 AM  

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