Bringing up Baobao etc.

Friday, February 17, 2006

T-13: I Don't Want to be A Nice Person

I came across this Thursday 13 thingie. I think it's a good idea to string thoughts together. Since I am quite a loner on the blog land, nobody tags me. I don't tag anybody. So I am kind of just stealing the idea from the real source. Remember, I am not a nice person.

1) Most nice people I know are boring.
2) When someone tells me he is a nice person himself, I can see a door shut off on me.
3) When nice people want to do bad things to you, they are usually more dangerous than bad people.
4) If someone says someone else is nice, he’s got nothing else to say about someone else.
5) It would be out of character if I decide to do something outrageous for a change.
6) I talk too loud to be a nice person.
7) When I am taken advantage of, I am mistaken for being a nice person.
8) I don’t normally use the word “nice“ to describe anybody.
9) I have too many different layers to show to the world rather than just being nice.
10) I don’t want to surprise people when they get on my bad side.
11) Some of my favorite people are not particularly known as nice people.
12) I need to test if my friends like me for being me not for being a nice person.
13) I am not typically referred to as being a nice person anyways.


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