Bringing up Baobao etc.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Week of Artists

Lui LiuEvery week, Sienna's class has a theme. There has been "the Week of New Years Resolutions", "the week of Winter Sports", "the Week of Polar Animals"... The teachers would relate the materials and activities to the theme and end the week with "a show and tell" by the kids on Friday.

The last week had a focus on "Artists". Naturally Sienna was asked to talk about her Daddy on Friday. Sienna hand picked the images that she wanted to show her friends. She automatically ruled out the nudes and stuff that she deemed inappropriate. I ran into the teacher when I picked her up at the end of the day. According to the teacher, the kids had "strange reactions" towards those images and the teacher had to stop the show for some discipline. I asked Sienna how they reacted. She said, "They went 'wo, wo, wo'". Apparently she was disappointed. At dinner time, Daddy asked if she wanted him to be an artist or a teacher. She said without hesitation, "I want you to be the teacher of art." I hope one day Sienna will understand how growing up and being surrounded by art has made such a positive impact on her mental set up. It will take a lot to shock her and her mind will always be fresh.


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