Bringing up Baobao etc.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Show Must Go On

Too many things happened in one day... First in the morning around 8:10 when Sienna was getting up, phone started to ring. P’s mom called and said the school was closed because the power was off. They were stopped right in front of school door. She had to go to work. So P came to our house to spend the day. She felt so bad that she had to ask me to do this. I knew I had a list of to-do things which I put off at least 3 days. Since Sienna was at home, having P here was not a trouble at all. Besides, we got all the electronic help. They were either on the computer playing games or watched “Eight Below” on DVD. I don’t concern so much that having too much of these in one day would hinder their development mentally or physically. P likes only my scrambled eggs. So I gave him that.

Sienna was feeling tired. Towards the end of the day, I realized that a cold was coming down on her. She retired to have a nap in her bed when P’s mom came to pick him up. Then Rachel got dropped off, who was also sick with a cough. At this time, Sienna was having a fever. We still decided that I would take two sick kids to see the “High School Musical” performed by a cast of about 30 high school kids. We had the best seats in the house except we could sit together. We were on the first row while Rachel was on the second but in the middle. They were in high spirit throughout the show. I didn’t take a nap but only dozed off a couple of times.


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