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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Talk of Astrology - Girl Type of Boys

I had a reading for a friend's friend. She (Sun Capricorn / Moon Sagittarius) and her husband (Sun Aries / Moon Gemini) are both fiery and free type of people. They are extremely expensive because of the money they possess and expansive in the way they look at the world. Their only son (Sun Scorpio / Moon Capricorn) though is very “feminine” astrologically.

She confirmed many aspects that I pinpointed to her about him. When I said he was not particularly keen on sports. She said he loved hockey. Yet, he started playing hockey at 4, not a best age for making a decision of his own. He is a strategic player and is good playing defense. He watches and strikes when he perceives the week point of the opponents. The father must have been very busy with his work. It's a good thing a jet set father like that doesn't play an active role in his upbringing. Otherwise, simply taking the boy to places will do a huge number on him. Kids like him thrive on stability and security which the parents might not be able to provide no matter how wealthy they are.


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