Bringing up Baobao etc.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Taking a Hike In HP

I spent my Sunday morning sleeping in without a wake-up call of either my cell phone alarm or my daughter. I rushed to pick up the two girls around noon. Rachel had to go to her Olympic Math at 3pm. The day became very short to fit in anything more than going to a movie. Rachel begged for the new “Harry Potter.” Sienna sat in the theater with me to keep Rachel’s company. She was quite good at keeping quiet most of the time because of my promise of an ice cream treat afterwards.

For Rachel, she is crazy about HP, books and movies – the whole world that the author created. In her answers to the questions by me, a former reporter about the craziness, she said, “I know it’s not real. But I tend to wonder what if there is a realm (real word she used) where magic works. I cannot deny my feelings...” What a wonderful way to enjoy a different reality without leaving our reality! What a delight to be able to send her there and keep her company along the way!


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