Bringing up Baobao etc.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Music Is Pink

About two weeks ago, T came to our house with her mom and she played “The Pink Panther”theme song on the piano, beautifully. We applauded and she played it one more time with our request.

We love the music very much. And there is a recital coming up next month for Sienna. So I ordered the sheet music online and had it sent to Sienna. She was thrilled to get the mail today. There was a note that came with it. It praised Sienna's musical talent, especially in piano playing. Signed at the end was "Tooth Fairy". I figured for summer days like now Tooth Fairy, rather than Santa Claus should be a more appropriate figure to do such a thing.

After dinner, I searched for some "Pink Panther" piano clips on YouTube and showed them to Sienna so that she would know what it was on the music sheet. Two seconds into the video playing, she went, “I heard this before. T played it on my piano.”

See what I mean? No sound of music ever escapes her. I wasn't completely surprised but still very impressed. When I played the clip for the second time, she started singing the exact tunes already making up her own words, “Mommy, Mommy, please. Can you get me some seaweed, please? I will be your good girl. Please, please, please..."

Music appeals to her as naturally as the color pink does to little girls.


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