Bringing up Baobao etc.

Friday, September 14, 2007

I'm Booked With Facebook

I have been hiding my sun-damaged and laser-destroyed face behind a pair of enormous sunglasses. Then in the morning, I got an email from my friend S in Paris inviting me to put my face on the Facebook as her friend. I didn't get to it during the day. In the evening, my friend A, with whom I spend an average of an hour on the phone daily and who lives less than 10 minutes walk from my house, called me up. "Hey, let's do the Facebook thing. Be my friend." How weird! I heard about Facebook since nearly the beginning of its being. I only got invited today, by two friends at once in one day. With A on the phone, I got registered. As soon as I logged on, pop, another friend M on the west coast had an invitation waiting for me. I am still puzzled. She didn't have my new email address. If she invited me by my name, there are at least 50 my namesakes on the Facebook. That's just what's happening on the face of the earth nowadays!


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