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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

No Dangerous Games

The teacher started to give homework for them to write in sentences already. They use the words that they learnt or need to learn. Today’s assignment was a book review! Sienna picked a text she learnt. It’s about a boy named Guan, a legendary figure in ancient China. Once, when Guan was a small boy, he played with his friends in the yard. One of the kids fell in a big porcelain pot filled with water. Everybody panicked. Guan was calm and he cracked the pot with a piece of rock so the boy was rescued. Here is what Sienna had to say in her very first book review.

I asked her to type out them out in English and here are exact the words she put down. I helped her with words such as “dangerous.”

"Guan is a smart boy. He used tricks to save his friend’s life. I like the story but I don’t want to be his friend because he plays dangerous games."


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