Bringing up Baobao etc.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Japan Trip Day 5

The trip would be literally impossible with our friend’s initiative and all the home work they did before they came. Today we went to a Disney-like amusement park. It’s all about hot spring bath. Everybody took turn to soak in all kinds of bath: red wine, tea, coffee and flavor-less. I refused to get into any of them. I did diligently took a series of pictures. The best part came in the afternoon when we visited a park, an Open-Air Museum of sculptures. Towards the other end of the enormous park, we sat on a foot-bath spa using flowing spring water. They provide you with free disposable towels to dry your feet. When you are all relaxed and happy, you could usher yourself into the door of the souvenir store right next to it.


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