Bringing up Baobao etc.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

designated digital photographer

we didn't end up going to pick apples. dad said he'd done enough pear-picking on our backyard!

mom wanted to experience TTC (toronto's public transit system). so that that was what i took them for: going places around the town via bus,subway and street car... ... mom was excited to witness the pink-theme event (the breast cancer charity run) at the nathan philip sqaure. they took pictures standing in front of volunteers, flanking a real police woman and following two punks with weird hairdos.

sienna is now officially a designated digital camera photograher! enough shots to enter a mini portfolio of her own, that includes the photo of me on my profile page here. she managed to get all our figures inside the frame and she did with focus (meaning no shaking hands). mom and dad laughed because one picture taken by her is definitely better my shot on the same spot.


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