Bringing up Baobao etc.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

a Friend Named Eczema

It started when the weather was turning wintry the year before the last. From time to time, I got patches of scaly skin on my hands. It itches, crusts, and oozes... I went to a doctor and got prescribed creams, one for rash, the other for inflammation when that occurs. I have been applying them diligently.

Things got worse over the weekends. I suspected that wearing my robber gloves for house cleaning might have caused the thing to flare. The doctor put me through a test to determine if I was allergic to latex or anything else. For 5 business days, I was not allowed to have a shower. Day and night, I carried over 40 patches of possible allergens on my back. And I managed to carry myself in and out of the office building like a corporate business person... I got away with no odour alarm. And nothing came out of the test either. More creams of the same prescriptions...

It has been much better this winter. For that reason, it became more hopeful for me. I was therefore more determined to get rid of the last thumb-nail-sized patch between my thumb and the index finger on my right hand. How about this? I have at least 50 pairs of white cotton gloves, brand new. Last week, I started to experiment wearing a glove to keep the medication on the skin and to hide the weary sight. I cut gloves so that all my fingers are out to move and type on the keyboard.

D was the first person I met as i walked in the office. He started to comment, "Are you showing your support for Michael Jackson?" Apparently, I got instant attention across the floor: "What's with your hand?" And one person's attention was particularly welcomed. Elisa, the know-it-all girl, took a look at my hand and went, "yaks, got to be ECZEMA!"

I know it was some kind of annoying skin condition. I just don't know why during all those doctor's visits, the word that makes so much sense was never even mentioned. I went onto the internet. Sure enough, people, I have eczema! Luckily, it is very mild form and only on hands. The thing is there is no cure. Only it's manageable! Another thing I learnt: You really have to become a doctor for youself before you can make some use of your doctor.

There are much much worse types of eczema. And there are definitely worse things in life. If for any reason, I cannot remove myself from a situation, I am known to have an amazing ability to deal with it and to make the best out it. It's my legend. So, eczema? doesn't it sound like a person's name?


  • Hey.. Min,
    Cheer up..!! could have been worst..??? no..?? ;)

    By Blogger Ms One Boobie , at 11:24 PM  

  • hi, michelle, i seem to have it under total control as soon as i got her identified by accident. my medication is very good, except i have to apply it every time i feel her existence, not just twice daily with a thin film as instructed by the doctor...

    you just have to be your own doctor before you can make some use of a doctor.

    By Blogger minimum, at 4:00 AM  

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