Bringing up Baobao etc.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Two Writers, the Same Moon

She was the author of the very famous "Good Night Moon." In her short life of 42 years, Magaret Wise Brown (born May 23, 1910) had written hundreds of books for children while she had no children of her own. Apart from the moon book, I read her "the Dirty Little Boy" with Sienna. And she also liked her "Run Away Bunny." There is certain structure or rhythm contained in her floating verses. It's very much in tune with a child's way of thinking. Sienna's appreciation of a book is expressed simply, "Again, again..." We did each of these twice last night. I will try to get to as many books as possible by her.

Another amazing write that I really like is Rosemary Wells (born January 29, 1943). Her "Max & Ruby" series are particularly appealing to Sienna. The little bunny brother Max starts out as a saboteur and always ends up outwitting his bunny scout sister Ruby in the most unexpected way. Maybe that's where Sienna got her sense of humour. If you ask me, Max would definitely be one of my most favorite characters in children's books. In fact, if Sienna is my ideal daughter, or bit better, then Max would be my ideal son. He is my imaginative son. I would love to raise a naughty, witty son like Max.

It's so interesting to note that both of these authors have very similar elements astrologically. Both are air signs. Brown is definitely more verbose due to her Gemini Mercury. Wells is so clear-cut and functional in a children's world because of her Mercury in Capricorn. Both have the same moon in Scorpio. Children's advocate Dr. Montessori also had her Moon in Scorpio. You would think Cancer Moon or something softer would have more to do with children. Probably the dare-devil side of Scorpio Moon is crucial part of the childhood adventures. I guess having a water sign as moon makes someone highly responsive to other people's feelings. Some of them, like these two gifted authors, happen to be blessed with abilities to see from children's perspective. And I am blessed to re-live my childhood via bringing up Sienna and reading to her these talented authors'works.


  • Hey.. Min,
    Chloe doesn't really like books yet.. the only reason she would pick up a book is to tear it.. into pieces..! *sigh*.. :(
    Was Sienna this way too.. when she was younger..??

    By Blogger Ms One Boobie , at 5:39 PM  

  • some moms read to their kids very early on or even when they were in wombs. i only flashed the books in front of her every now and then. i only started when she started showing some interests in what was on the pages. as a result, she still treats reading as a kind of treat. a cruel mommy.

    but no, she didn't tear up a book. she is not "creative" enough to do that.

    funny chloe. she will love books. I bet she is both mentally and physically active. you don't worry about a Sagittarius person not liking books or travelling.

    By Blogger minimum, at 5:35 AM  

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