Bringing up Baobao etc.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Big Bad Wolf

Sienna usually comes to me with a book that she picks for her bed time stories. Last night, she asked me to tell her a story. Just any story? I jumped on the opportunity. It would be a good escape from the kingdom of princesses. The first story that came to my mind was about how a boy pretended a wolf coming to him and tried to call everybody to his rescue. When a real wolf really showed up, nobody believed him...

I have a story behind this wolf story. When I was about 8-years-old, twice Sienna's age. My mother gave me a few pieces of cookies, telling me to share them with my younger brother. I ate them all myself. But when my mother asked, I said I did give some to my brother. That night, my mother told me this wolf story and it got me to confess about my lying...

I didn't intend to elaborate the meaning of the story to Sienna now. I was just playing up the atmosphere surrounding what happens, the village, the sky, the smart boy whom we named Tom, the devilish wolf... Sienna laughed when she heard everybody came running to his rescue when there was no wolf. That's really something that Sienna would do and has done several times in the past. She joined in to say, "I am just kidding..." But she was a bit taken in when she heard the wolf did come and nobody came to help him. She asked me to tell her the story once more...

Half way through the third time, she stopped me and asked, "Mommy, can you make people come to him at the end?" Everybody loves a happy ending, huh?! However, I had the wolf eat the boy again. What a cruel Mommy! But hey, there are big bad wolves out there. There are different endings rather than the "happy ever after" ones. And there are prices to pay for your words and action... These are the things that she will know and more. It's good to have a peek at the not-so-pink reality, no matter how young she is...


  • Hey, you were so ture about this. You provided her with a great lesson.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:31 AM  

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