Bringing up Baobao etc.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Bowling Night

Image hosted by Photobucket.comTo me, it had little to do with bowling. It would be a night out with my colleagues eating, drinking and chatting at a bowling place. But it turned out to be a lot of fun. I once helped organized a bowling birthday party for Jordan. I don't remember I ever touched a ball at that time. Last night, I belonged to a team with my name on the scoring screen. So I put on some moves, very lousy moves. At times, I threw the ball instead of rolling it. I probably looked like Elaine dancing terribly in front of her colleagues in Seinfeld. Interestingly, I made quite a few strikes and I was not the worst on the team. It got to be courage from the influence of two gin and tonic.

Daddy took Sienna to a nearby mall while I was playing. They couldn't find a movie suitable for Sienna to see. So they wondered around before came to pick me up. It was very sweet of them. Daddy got her a present, a light blue Cinderella cell phone. When you push a button, it goes, "I wish I could dance all night." Sienna was fascinated by the place. She tried to pick up pink or purple balls and roll them down the aisle. We must go back there sometime soon. Bowling is quite fun.


  • That's very nice.. to be able to spend time out with your colleague.. ;) I wish they had decent bowling alleys here.. but nope.. no such luck. :(

    By Blogger Ms One Boobie , at 9:11 AM  

  • mrs T, doesn't that just give you another reason to come for a visit? ...

    By Blogger minimum, at 8:49 PM  

  • Heheh!! yes.. and i'm telling MrT too.. heheh!! ;)

    By Blogger Ms One Boobie , at 1:37 AM  

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