the Natural Order of Events

The two are differentiated by whether the parents intervention exists in the process. A child not eating meal properly could face either logical consequence: receiving certain punishment, or natural consequence: feeling hungry later on. Fulginiti suggested that parents should mix-use these two wisely in order to foster a child's self-esteem, responsibility and accountability. Usually, it's better to let nature run its course...
You see, I have been pondering and practicing these along the way, just not in exact words. If there is a natural way, I don't try other ways. If I have to use logical & intervention, I would attempt to tie it up with the natural way. Usually, these consequences are intertwined. Parents need to create conditions where the natural consequences could stand out and to be felt more strongly. Not only she would be more motivated when her natural sense and ability are tapped. It also saves plenty of time and volumes on my part in lecturing her.
For example, Sienna sometimes misplaces her stuff, a pink heart necklace, a new pad of stickers... she would be upset due to the loss. I would make sure that sense of loss is put into good . I would advise that she take responsibility of her own belongings. I draw a clear line here: this is her problem, not mine. But, hey, mama would love to help look for it. Let it be found or not, at the end of it, she would be naturally grateful to me and a little bit more responsible for herself.
Another example is the food. To me, the one most important element in nurturing a good eating habit is to keep a good appetite, sometimes, it's the feeling of hunger. Daddy and I vowed that we would never force Sienna to eat her food. Basically, if she is not good at eating her food (she usually is a fantastic eater), we would rather let her skip the rest of the meal instead of feeding her with food in between meals. This might sound cruel. But it gives her the chance to experience being hungry. It's natural and healthy to feel hungry. Going through the natural order of events, she would eat properly and timely to avoid the consequence of being hungry.
The logical intervention of the parents would end up realizing a natural consequence. I always set myself as an living example of a good eater. When I introduce her new food, I eat in front of her with a lot of appreciation but not much a demand of making her to try. As it turns out, she will always want to try. She might not like it right away... But I keep eating in front of her... I ate so many grapefruits before she fell for them.
Parenting is such a juicy process especially once in a while, I am assured by the academics and others that I am in fact doing something right...
Hey Min,
Yup, I got to know your blog throgh MrsTweety. I agree with the natural consequence way of dealing with things to some extent.
Also it can be practiced with a child who is of a certain age. But if I let Alysha feel hunger, she will bawl coz she will be in a bad mood but still will never realise that it is hunger calling.
Also this morning I had to not give her MILO (This choc milky drink) until sh brushed her teeth. Imagine what I would get for just letting its natural consequence take effect.
Really smelly yellow teeth eventually :)
Shamira, at 10:00 AM
Hi Min,
I have been very upset lately with Shaveena's eating habit. She refuses anything and everything except her milk. Just few days ago - I went into your ways of leting her skip her meals...(now I don't feel so cruel after reading you do the same)...but when the hunger hits her - all she wants is her Milk - IS that ok?
mjey, at 11:20 AM
hi, shamira, i hope i didn't confuse people. i think these consequencse usually mixed together. we need to create conditions where the natural consequences are felt more strongly. brushing teeth before MILO already involves a natural course of her longing for milk... right?
hi, footprints, i think you need a schedule there. so shaveena would know what to expect: when she can have milk and how much (if amount is an issue). they have ability to delay their pleasure. and schedule makes it much easier for her. when a human being is hungry, he eats anything. it would be crule and not necessary to take away milk all together. but again and again telling her to eat other things before getting to milk. and you must stick to it. this kind of thing, the longer you hesitate, the longer they suffer. set a rule, stick to it... i hope it helps...
minimum, at 9:12 PM
Hey.. Min,
You are truly my inspiration.. with bringing up Chloe.. :) thank you .. :)
Ms One Boobie , at 9:17 AM
Mrs T, thank you for your inspiring words...
minimum, at 8:50 PM
Hi, Im Pasquale Fulginiti. Thank you for using me in your article. Please keep in touch.
Pasquale Fulginiti
Anonymous, at 11:02 AM
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