Bringing up Baobao etc.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

What Sage Says

According to statistics gathered by Ipsos Reid, a research form, 90 per cent of Canadian parents agree that parenting is more challenging than any other job they have ever had. I happen to fall into the other 10 per cent of the minority group here.

First of all, I haven't had any really challenging job in my life. And if anything is more challenging than others, it wouldn't have been being a parent.

Secondly, why would you pick a challenging job to do? Isn't there something called life outside one's career or job? If a job is too challenging, one should quit to get a life, so to speak.

Thirdly, why do people consider parenting a job? Isn't it the most important part of our so-called life?

Sage Confucius says, "Choose a job you like, and you will never have to work a day in your life." I think that sums up my situation. I always pick what I like (and it's got to be easy for me too)to do. So with any job I have, I never really feel that I am at work. As far as parenting is concerned, I almost always feel that I am at play...
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  • i think it's just how we use the word "challenge". in any case, we are so totally enjoying it -- that would be the same...

    By Blogger minimum, at 9:20 PM  

  • I love seeing how positive you are.. Min..! and thank you .. for that..! never stop being you ..!!

    By Blogger Ms One Boobie , at 1:37 AM  

  • with the age and all that, i guess i have no choice but being me...

    thank you for cheering me up along the way. with the age and all that, you'd think you don't need it anymore...

    By Blogger minimum, at 2:34 AM  

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