Bringing up Baobao etc.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Other People's Food

When Sienna was younger and more shy, I encouraged her to approach the hosts when she wanted something to eat at our visit. So she would go "XXX, I am hungry. Can I have something to eat?" It was cute to watch in the beginning. Now this has become a norm. Every we visit, she asks for things to eat. I have to explain to friends that I did in fact feed her, every single meals in the past three days, plus snacks.

I have to say this. Other people's houses have more kinds of food that are forbidden in our house. Also she can have plenty of whatever she is given. Usually, it means a lot more sugar consumption that I would like to see.

My concerns are two-folded. Simply put, I don't want her to have the habits of 1) asking for food everywhere she goes and 2) eating so much sugar... Maybe I shouldn't worry much about 2). Sugar won't poison her at one use even I consider sugar poison. As for 1), I will try to promise her things to eat afterwards if she didn't ask for anything over the course of our visit. Let's see how it will work.

Thinking back, I might have taken a reform a bit too far by letting her ask for food from the host whenever she wants. When I was little, it was a strict rule that I shouldn't eat food given by the hosts without my parents' permission, let alone asking for it. The ban was never officially lifted before I left home for university at 17. I felt completely liberated eating food that was offered without asking. I am wondering, did I gave that liberty to Sienna too young?

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  • Hey Min,
    It was the same for me too.. when i was younger.. for we were told never to ask for food.. from anyone.. coz' that would be utterly rude.. and not proper upbringing.. hahah!! As for Chloe.. she doesn't ask for anything yet. But when she does.. i know.. she will be getting plenty.. :)

    By Blogger Ms One Boobie , at 3:11 AM  

  • I have to try very hard to get Alysha to ask for something. She usually is very shy and will get me to ask if she wanted something, unless she gets more confortable with the host.

    But I always do tell her to ask for herself. Wondering whether that will backfire, now.

    By Blogger Shamira, at 1:22 PM  

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