Bringing up Baobao etc.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

More Chanllenge

It's like a broken arm isn't enough a challenge, we moved on to chicken pox. I found out last night after we came back from a concert. Sienna's had her chest and back covered with many red spots, some of them were blisters in the middle. The two around her lips turned out to be two bad seeds other than "acnes" as I suspected yesterday...

I freaked. The most scary part is the cast. What's going to happen underneath the cast? After calling a couple of mothers and the provincial health line, I was pretty much confirmed. The nurse on the hotline said we could pretty much take care of her myself at thome. Some 15 munites before the drug store closed at mid night, i rushed in to get all the chicken pox supplies, from Calamine Lotion to Aveeno Bath Poweder to Benadryl...

So this would be considered Day 2 or 3 of the outbreak. It looks like it's not going much further. I keep my fingers acrossed. No playgroup at the children's center in the morning, no chinese program in the afternoon. We spent the whole day inside our comfortably air-conditioned house. Sienna watched so much TV. It made me sick to think that I let her. So in the afternoon, I sugguested her of puzzle. She jumped on it, "Let's do it. Let's do it." We solved the many puzzles together and she laid them out on the floor.


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