Bringing up Baobao etc.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Around Playgrounds

There are at least 10 playgrounds within a radius of 5 miles from where we live. But we have to drive all the way bypassing all of them to get to this particular one. It's a community center outside of our own community. There are a lot more things happening and people hanging around. Sand castles being built and destroyed against it's builder's will. Toys are shared or otherwise they would be robbed away. Just so much more dynamic than what we have closer by.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comIt happens all the time when there would be just me and Sienna on an empty, quiet, beautiful and well-equiped playground closer to where we are. I don't mind pushing her on the swing, sitting on the other side of the see saw and going up and down the slide... But I want to catch and get rid of a sense of loneliness luring around these playgrounds before it catches Sienna and works some black magic on her.

Here I see everything but loneliness. Yesterday, I watch a ball game going on in the next field even I don't know the rules... And I took a rather interesting shot (left) of two apparently unrelated people pushing their own kiddos on the swing.


  • 10 is only a very conservative number. but i still couldn't figure out where all the people and kids are. what's the ground for playing when you have no people to play with? right?

    By Blogger minimum, at 8:52 PM  

  • you see alot of women in 'tudung' (head scarf) in Toronto? It's pretty common here in S'pore but not as common as M'sia and Indonesia.
    The woman in tudang was the first thing/person that caught my attention

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:58 AM  

  • hi, janice, yes, we can spot quite a number of women in toronto wearing 'tudung', especially in certain areas. toronto is a melting pot, a real "united nations", which is something truely amazing about the city...

    By Blogger minimum, at 11:29 PM  

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