Bringing up Baobao etc.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Tasty Thursday

It's still hot today but not enough to complain about it. You realize there aren't many days like this when you can take a stroll outside without feeling too hot or too cold. On days like this, the streets near my office are like a school yard in recess; they are filled with employees out for lunch. The restaurants around the area must have seen and seized this particularly precious opportunity to promote their business. Today, they set up a huge food festival called "Tasty Thursday" on the square in front of the city hall. I went there with D & G.

Apparently, everybody had this idea in his mind. Huge line-up in front of every food stand. We all went to a shortest line-up. I got a mixed-grill with salad. We ran into more colleagues from the office. We ate in a pavilion covered with grapes vein. The food was indeed tasty, only not enough, as I complaint. G said how one could afford me, not to mention the drinking factor. They all knew my high alcohol tolerance at the company party. That might make me sound like an alcoholic. But I am social drinker just like I am a social ice cream eater, if that makes sense. I don't have a craving for ice cream. I don't eat ice cream privately. When we all went to Baskin Robins later, I did pick up my fav Rum and Rains.


  • My favourite is Rum & Raisins too..!! YaY!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:12 PM  

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