Bringing up Baobao etc.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Stew Is Not Stupid Soup

Last night, Sienna was about to call me "stu-pid," I gave her a straight look in the eye. Quickly, she went all smile, "Stew, it's the soup, Mommy, the soup..." I didn't show her that I was amused. But I did let her get away with it.

This made me think about something. Teaching a kid morals or self-discipline is like cooking stew. You cannot accomplish it in 5 minutes. The heat has to be somehow mild, consistent and constant. Therefore, patience on the parents' part is required.

A kid goes through different phases. At 4 years old, it might be simply fun to be naughty and mean. Let them have the chance to be bad once in a while. As much as possible, let them take their own course to become good. You don't expect to solve all the problems in one battle. I DO make sure every time I show her clearly where I stand and what I think it's right and wrong. If the circumstances don't allow me to make my point clear (like last night when she managed to outsmart me), I would rather pretend that I didn't hear or see. Stew is being cooked...

I somehow have faith in Sienna that she won't grow up calling people names and backtalking to me. Time will come. It takes time, just like making a pot of stew. And I love cooking!


  • Hmmm.. very wise.. Min.. :)


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:22 PM  

  • very good points, minimum.

    Plus, sometime I feel that they just need the great attention form you althought they act up without any reason. When it happens, don't pay too much attention. That's it:-) Leave them to thing why mother doesn't pay attention on me


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:26 AM  

  • BTW, I love cooking as well.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:27 AM  

  • Min, That is absolutely priceless. You are a poignant writer and your true self comes through with these little life lessons you manage to put in perfect terminology in a language that is not your own. I praise you. My hat is off to you and I plant a big kiss in the middle of your forehead. Thanks. I LOVED it.

    Big hugs, Suze

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:00 AM  

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