Bringing up Baobao etc.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

A Good Deal Indeed

I work as a team memeber to develop and maintain several websites for a company. On the side, I am a permanent webmistress of, which I created with a lot of love and pride and a database. Besides this one, I have built over 10 web sites for friends far and near, for recreation or for business. None of these I did for money.

Last weekend, the Chinese school Sienna goes to every weekend asked me to work on their website. My initial thought was that I might as well take it on and do it for them for free. They teach my kid our heritage language. I would do something to express my gratitude along with the fee I pay them.

On the second thought and after talking to some friends, I changed my mind. I went to the director and told her that I will do it, with a price. She was nervous, a little bit and relieved right after. We were both happy.

The deal is, this Mama will work for the whole year to pay for my daughter's summer camp for a month. To me, that sounds like a very good deal indeed.


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