Bringing up Baobao etc.

Monday, April 03, 2006

I Bark, I Crow

I had a good singing lesson the day before. Instead of singing with the piano company, I tried to imitate the teacher, sentence by sentence. At the end of it, I asked, "maybe you could tell me song tunes I could practice cooking or doing dishes." The teacher, in a funny moon, gave me one single most serious instruction to date, "I have no song to give you. Just bark like a dog or crow like a rooster." He explained barking is loud and powerful because of it's positioning. A rooster, with it's tiny head and narrow neck, can make himself heard cross the land because the sound comes out from a tube. Right there, I did the barking and crowing, both were completely in tune.

I went on behind the wheel and kept barking and crowing all the way. Alternately, I picked the songs I could sing and sang them. "Oh, my god, I think I got it." I came home. I barked at the husband. Over the phone, I barked to Yiga, the piano teacher and Julie, my singing pal. They all confirmed that to me. I feel like I won the lottery. No, in fact, it feels better than that.

The husband said, "why didn't he(the teacher) tell you that in the very beginning? That could have saved a lot of trouble..." We had a good laugh. But I understand all the practice and pondering paved the way for me to be able to bark and crow like that.


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