Bringing up Baobao etc.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

My Harmless Little Protest

As I mentioned before, Ms Ahmed has been the best teacher Sienna ever had so far. Apparently she is good not just for Sienna. The rumor had it when the school started registering for 2006-2006 that she had a long waiting list. Because of her, we didn't even consider other options for Sienna. We decided to stay on with Ahmed for another year, Sienna's 4th year with a Montessori program. By the time the school was over for the summer though, we were told Ms Ahmed would become the head of all the CASA classes at the school. She would no longer be Sienna's teacher. We felt a little betrayed. And the husband got to meet the teacher to replace Ms Ahmed. He didn't like her, her demeaner and her accent. We seldom like or dislike different the people. So I decided to switch Sienna to a different class.

I didn't do anything until the summer was nearly over. When I called Ms Ahmed two days ago, she told me that the teacher was not going to come. It would be another teacher to replace her replacement. And she is nice and speaks with no accent. It looked like a problem has solved itself. Having a teacher with accent is not a great idea but I could actually live with it. I particulary don't like the idea of not being told Ms Ahmed was leaving in order to keep the kids in that class. I felt I needed to have some reaction towards the matter.


  • I'm glad i'm not the only one.. who can take an instant dislike to a person.. thru' feelings alone.. ;) it is really important.. to feel comfy with the teacher.. or babysitter.. who is taking care of our children... no..??

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:58 AM  

  • Mama bok, I believe you are gifted with getting the right first impression and guts feelings. I always do that and try to keep an open mind at the same time.

    By Blogger minimum, at 10:23 AM  

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